THE FUTUROLOGICAL IDEA: Can you explore the world without interacting with it? Quantum physics refutes the claim that the world can be explored without interacting with it, which is implied in the famous Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. In order to measure anything, we must “see” it, and thus cause the phenomenon to interact with the measuring device. In the micro-world, such an interaction will always change the condition of the observed phenomenon. Illuminating a missile with a laser will not disturb its motion, but the impact of a laser beam on an electron will. We also observe a similar regularity in the social sciences. For example, a company’s employee satisfaction survey most often changes the status quo.
THE SCRIPT: The game takes place inside the Large Hadron Collider. The player is a timid proton kidnapped by evil scientists and forced to participate in experiments. Unlike other protons, Proton Shy is afraid of high speeds and doesn’t want to collide. Locked in a tunnel that constantly accelerates it to the speed of light, it tries not to be destroyed. The player’s goal is to avoid collisions as long as possible. At the same time, the effect of a collision (game over and death of Proton Shy) is the creation of Higgs bosons – new knowledge.